Tano Ndogo Light - Transparency
Farmers: Tano N'dogo, a mini coop comprised of 5 producers, pretty rare in Kenya as it's usually bigger cooperatives.
Exporter: Vava Coffee
Importer: JA Coffee
Price paid by us to JA Coffee for the landed coffee to our roastery: 4,12USD/lb
Extra breakdown of costs included in the 412USD :
- shipping cost from Kenya to Montreal: 0,30USD/lb
- shipping cost from the Montreal's port to our warehouse: 0,22USD/lb
- import fees: 0,25USD/lb
FOB price*: 3,87USD/lb - Price JA Coffee paid to Vava Coffee for the green. This covers costs up until the coffee is safely inside the container, ready for export.
Farmgate price : 3,55USD/lb. This is what the farmers were paid.
We paid Vava an extra 10% on top of the FOB price mentioned above. This money is used by Vava to hire a black photographer/videographer, and also to help cover travel costs and gather farmers's story and images.
Images of farmers are often used to promote coffee in consuming countries, and it's time farmers benefit from how we use their image.