Randolfo Pacheco

Weight :
Grind Size :

Impressions: brown sugar, vanilla, grapes, raisins
Roast degree: light (3/5)

Country: Guatemala
Location: Sansupo, Mataquescuintla
Variety: Pache San Ramon
Process: washed
Farmer: Randolfo Pacheco
Farm: Laguna Escondida

Import partner: Semilla

If you've been following us for a while, you know that we absolutely love coffee from Guatemala. We love the taste (obviously ;-) ) but we are always trying to have a more meaningful impact at origin. Buying more coffee from the Cafe Colis Resistencia group in Guatemala via Semilla is where we can truly maximize that purchasing power.

This lot is also different as the green coffee (see transparency report for more detail) was abandoned by another roaster and is a bit older.

Fear not, we use out roasting expertise to make this as delicious as any other Guatemalan we ever had on the menu!

This coffee from Randolfo is all we crave for in a morning brew: round and sweet, it goes well with milk or black, or as an espresso or filter.
Truly an all around delicious brew.

We tasted a lot of sweetness, like vanilla and brown sugar. The acidity reminded us of grapes, and the finish, somehow, was all raisins!


Dose Ratio Time
Espresso 16-20 g 2.3:1 30-34 sec
Espresso with milk 16-20 g 2.1:1 32-36 sec
Americano 16-20 g 2.4:1 26-30 sec


18-32 g 17:1 3:30-4:00 min

 Chemex & Batch Brew

40-60 g 16:1 5:00-5:45 min

 French Press

18-25 g 15:1

4:30 min steep time

Farmer: Randolfo Pacheco
Exporter: Industrias Noviembre
Importer: Semilla

Our commitment to Semilla and the Cafe Colis Resistencia group remains strong.
This coffee is one that was under contract with another roaster who decided to not honour his obligation. The coffee was sitting at the warehouse and we decided to not let it iddle there and bought it all, even if the green was a bit older.
After tasting it, we can assure you that it's a delicious coffee. Granted, some acidity was probably lost during aging, but we adjusted our usual roast profile to make sure we would highlight what pleasant aspects are still left in the coffee.

Price we paid Semilla for the landed coffee in our Montreal warehouse: 14.10CAD/kg.

FOB price: 10.50CAD/kg

Farmgate price: 1750 Quetzal/quintal. 1 quintal being around 100kg of parchment (parchment means the green bean is still not exposed)
National price: 1250 Quetzal

Even when local prices dip, Semilla is committed to buying coffee outside of this system, while also not basing price on cup score: Semilla pays farmer based on their cost of production.
Producers who have invested time and money into post-harvest processing are rewarded with an elevated price to reflect that investment.
These are the smallholders we need to support, and we’re honoured to be able to do so.


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