Decaf Mexico

Weight :
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Impressions: meringue, date, spices, grapefruit, chocolate
Roast degree: 3.5/5

Country: Mexico
Region: Chiapas
Municipality: Amatenango de la Frontera
Varieties: typica & bourbon
Process: washed 
Decaffeination: Mountain Water Process
Partner importer: Osito

We care about our decaf!

This is not a sales pitch rather, it’s the truth! We often choose to drink our decaf over other coffees because it just tastes great!

What is Mountain Water Process (similar to the Swiss Water process)? Honestly, we haven’t found, or understood, the differences between the two methods yet, and it has to do with their proprietary filters.
But we have noticed that Mountain Water, since it happens at origin and not in a far away facility, keeps most flavours intact. In addition to being an amazing way to take the caffeine out of the raw product, Osito sourced a high quality lot, meaning more flavours for you in this decaf.

We also use this decaf for our halfcaf Mindful Blend, and you can find a lighter decaf offering with our new Pink Bourbon Decaf!

We are officially in the golden age of decaf! As roasters, it's so easy to find a good decaf these days, and this one is exceptional.

Sweet and balanced, most people usually won't notice it's not a full caffeine coffee.
It's feels like dates and chocolate at first, and finishes like a baking spices and meringue pie. The hints of grapefruit acidity make everything come together nicely.

Method Dose Ratio Time
Espresso 18 g 2.2:1 30-35 sec
Espresso with milk 18g 2:1 32-35 sec
Americano 18 g 2.3:1 30-35 sec


23 g 17:1 3:30-4:00 min

 Chemex & Batch Brew

40-60 g 16:1 4:15-5:30 min

 French Press

18-25 g 16:1 3:45 min steep time

Farmers: Amatenango producing group (8 farmers) (part of Siprocafe)
Exporter: UNTAO
Importer: Osito Coffee
Sourcing partner: Red Beetle Coffee Lab

This coffee was bought through a COOP called Siprocafe. There is a smaller group of 8 farmers from Amatenango within that COOP that Osito has been buying from since their first year in Mexico.
As their longest and most important relationship in the country, we wanted to support them as much as possible so we not only bought our decaf from those 8 farmers, but also their main lots.
This communal blend is from the same trees as our caffeinated coffee, Amatenango. Since they produce the same varietal and process it together, the profile is super homogenous. 
Price paid to Osito for the green coffee: 16.40CAD/kg
(+ 0.90CAD in shipping)
FOB Price Osito paid at origin before export: 13CADkg/ (export cost around 1.05CAD/kg, decaffeination cost around 2,50CAD/kg)
Farmgate price (aka what the farmers received): 97 Pesos/kg of parchment
Local price in Chiapas at the time of buying: 72 Pesos.
A recent spike in global coffee prices makes this difference between market price and what Osito is paying smaller than usual. As a comparison, last year the market was around 45/55 pesos locally but Osito was paying 70/85 pesos range.
Other costs: UNTAO, the exporter, is responsible for milling the coffee (removing the husk), storage, and bagging before export. (adding around 0.60CAD/kg)
Red Beatle is a sourcing company operating in Mexico and Peru. They connect farmers with roasters and importers and do important technical work with farmers (agronomy, improving quality, better processing, etc) and are an important technical partner for many farmers. (their services adds around 0.90CAD/kg)

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