We hope that you are ready for a funky ride! This coffee is one of the most unique we had on the menu these past 2 years.

Right from the start, the smell is indicative of something truly unique. Tropical fruit and booze are very present with both the fragrance (dry) and aroma (wet).

The first sip is overwhelming, in a good way. Your brain will need a couple more sips to adjust and compute what is happening.

The coffee is an açai and chocolate bomb. Think dark berries covered in 90% chocolate. 
The strong tropical notes you had in the aroma are now more subtle, and it reminded us on star fruit acidity.
This coffee has one of the longest, nicest aftertaste we have ever experienced. The sweetness is amazing, and the bourbon notes are pretty undeniable.

The coffee was fermented for 16 days in grainpro (plastic) bags, and dried for 12 days.
This lot combines the farming abilities of the older generation and the creativity and avant-garde processing of the new generation, and the result is stunning.

Disclaimer: this is a very tricky espresso to dial in

Method Dose Ratio Time
Espresso 16-20 g 2.3:1 32-34 sec
Espresso with milk 16-20 g 2.1:1 36-40 sec
Americano 16-20 g 2.5:1 28-30 sec


18-32 g 17:1 3:30-3:45 min

 Chemex & Batch Brew

40-60 g 16.5:1 5:00-5:45 min

 French Press

18-25 g 16:1

4:00min steep time

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